Archived in 2022

Originally posted on 12 Aug 2007

Day 3: On a whim I (intentionally) got off at the wrong Metro stop so I could walk and see more of the city. It coincidentally came up next to the National Portrait Gallery and Smithsonian American Art Museum. Go me! Except I arrived around 9 but it didn’t open until 11:30. Bummer. But wait! The International Spy Museum is across the street and opens early. Go me again! Spies, then lunch at Zaytinya followed by the Portrait Gallery/Art Museum. Then back to the train to take me to Quantico. Dinner was at Zum Rheingarten. German food in the middle of nowhere.

Day 4: There were no trains running, so Tim drove down from Maryland to pick me up so I could spend the day at The National Zoo with him and the rest of the Rhoman clan. Much fun was had by all. Then we parted ways and I walked from there to Union Station to catch a (very late) Amtrak down to Quantico. I’d managed to find a Whole Foods so I arrived with dinner fixin’s. Food was cooked. Dinner was eaten. TV was watched.

Day 5 plans: Again the VRE isn’t running so we’re probably going to bum around Quantico reading, watching TV/movies and just generally being lazy.

