Originally posted on 11 Dec 2022

1 minute read

The various F/SF subscriptions I added recently continue to show their value. This issue of FandSF is a chonker. The epub table of contents is showing 487 pages of content. That’s a redonk amount of stuff jam-packed into a single issue, geez. Well done, them!

A few pieces stood out as especially enjoyable for me in this one. “Though the Heavens Fall” by Louis Evans was a lovely bit of space fare. “Santa Knows” by Jo Miles was really enjoyable. “Water Music” by Michael A. Gonzales was good but something about the ending didn’t work well for me. One I ended up skipping was “To Carve Home in Your Bones” by Aigner Loren Wilson. After a few pages it became obvious that the story would be too horror-ish for my tastes.

In general, for this issue I preferred the short stories to the novelets. I admit mostly flipping past the poems (my ereader settings leave these poorly formatted) and the non-fiction pieces (rarely catch me enough to warrant my attention). Apologies to those authors, who undoubtedly put a lot of work into their pieces.

This was my first ever FandSF issue and if it’s at all representative of the rest then I’m looking forward to the next issue in January.