Originally posted on 16 Aug 2024

1 minute read

Ah, the satisfying feeling of being the first in line on the library hold queue for a shiny new book. This one’s a novella, so it took no time at all to read it and get it back so the next person in the queue could enjoy it.

I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read by Clark, and TDCTA is no exception. When I first got it I was sad it was only a novella, but this turned out to be the perfect length. In those relatively few pages he properly introduced a whole new world as well as a cast of devious and dangerous characters, told a really engaging story, and even surprised me a bit with the ending.

So far there’s no word of whether we’ll be seeing more stories in this world and with these characters, but I hope we do. Despite the fact that the eponymous assassins largely have few endearing qualities I still liked reading about them and their murderous ways. The world they populate felt familiar enough that I could get into the story but unique enough that there were surprises everywhere.

Reading this was time well-spent. Also, while browsing Clarks site as I wrote this I noticed that he has some books out that I haven’t read yet, giving me more to look forward to.