Originally posted on 23 Dec 2023

less than 1 minute read

Chambers is rapidly rising to the upper echelons of my preferred authors.

This third book in the Wayfarers series again follows a entirely different characters than those in the first book, but all of them are in the same universe and some know each other in some way.

Spaceborn Few follows a few different characters aboard a ship on the Exodus Fleet. This gives Chambers a chance to explore some of the sustainability ideas that pop up again in her Robot & Monk stories. We also get the chance to see through the ideas of a non-human sapient, which gives a really valuable perspective on the human condition.

I just loved this book, as you’d probably figured out. I’ve only one left unread in the Wayfarers universe, but it’ll have to wait until I’ve worked my way through some of my other backlog.