Originally posted on 16 Jul 2024

1 minute read

Years ago there was some online book sale. I bought a fat stack of books and put them on a shelf, where they remained largely untouched. This title was in that stack. Ever since then, I find myself intending to read it before I start a new job, then not. This time though, I finally managed not only to read it but to do so before the job starts on Monday. Yay, go me.

Nothing in this book should come as a surprise or at all revelatory if you’ve been on both sides of the corporate management desk or if you have a modicum of common sense. Which isn’t to say there’s no value in reading it. I found it useful for inspiring me to think about some stuff and for framing those thoughts.

The content of the book often assumes the reader has already started their new job, which isn’t especially helpful for those who are using the book to prepare before their onboarding even starts. So if you’re going to pick it up, I recommend doing so after you’ve been on the job for a week or so.

Often after reading a book I’ve purchased, I’ll leave it at one of the little free libraries in town. This one will stay in the collection, if only as a reference for that thought-framing as I face challenges on the job.