Book (Back)Log
Originally posted on 02 Mar 2025
In October my work-related travel kicked into high gear, resulting in my not having the time to log a couple of books I’d read that month. “No problem,” I thought, “I’ll log them soon.” Except, of course, I didn’t stop reading in the meantime, leading to even more unlogged books. Eventually the backlog got bad enough that I was feeling guilty and actively avoiding it, which only made me feel worse about the whole situation.
At this point I finally had a virtual sit down with myself.
Why was I feeling bad about not updating a blog that no one reads? “Because I use that! It’s helpful to see what books I’ve read and whether I liked them! I can’t remember them otherwise! It’s been really good finally to be able to do that!”
Well, OK, then maybe it’d be alright to create a single post listing all of the backlogged books, rather than having to create separate posts for each of them? “No! Must be separate! Must!” Must? Really? “Yes, must! Well, mostly must. Kinda not must so much. Maybe more like wanna? I guess?”
If I don’t have a single backlog post, it’s likely I’ll be increasingly more blocked as read books pile up. Do I wanna enough to risk that happening? “[pout] No, I guess not.”
Great, a single backlog list it is!
The list will be minimal, since otherwise I’m never going to do the damn thing. Basic review (👍, 🫳, 👎, or DNF), title, author. Rough date when I finished it. Not even gonna add links, because that takes time and I don’t wanna. I will, however, separate it into 2024 and 2025 lists.
- The Empire of Gold, by S. A. Chakraborty. 👍
- The Friction Project: How Smart Leaders Make the Right Things Easier and the Wrong Things Harder by Robert L. Sutton and Huggy Rao. 🫳
- The Kingdom of Copper, by S. A. Chakraborty. 👍
- The City in Glass, by Nghi Vo. 👍
- Piranesi, by Susanna Clarke. 👍
- Somewhere Beyond the Sea, by TJ Klune. 🫳
- The Left-Handed Booksellers of London, by Garth Nix. 👍
- The Sinister Booksellers of Bath, by Garth Nix. 👍
- Blackheart Man, by Nalo Hopkinson. 👎
- How Git Works, by Julia Evans. 🫳
- Mend It!, by Maureen Goldsworthy. 👍
- Spinning with a Drop Spindle, by Christine Thresh. 🫳
- The Craft of Handspinning, by Eileen Chadwick. 🫳
- The Keeper’s Six, by Kate Elliott. 🫳
- The River of Silver, by S. A. Chakraborty. 👍
- Goddess of the River, by Vaishnavi Patel. 👎
- Digging Deeper: How Archaeology Words, by Eric H. Cline. 🫳
- Death of the Author, by Nnedi Okorafor. 👍
- Cloud Roads, by Martha Wells. 👍
- The Good Enough Job: Reclaiming Life from Work, by Simone Stolzoff. 🫳
- Someone You Can Build a Nest In, by John Wiswell. DNF
- On Bullshit, by Harry G. Frankfurt. 🫳
- Hand Spinning Cotton, by Olive and Harry Linder, Updated by Joan S. Ruane. 🫳
- City of Last Chances, by Adrian Tchaikovsky. 👍
- The Serpent Sea, by Martha Wells. 👍
- The City Inside, by Samit Basu. DNF
- The Wings upon Her Back, by Samantha Mills. 👍
OK, now that’s done and maybe I can stop guilting myself over this whole petty matter.